Climate obstruction in the European Union: Business coalitions and the technocracy of delay The European Union has gained increasing influence in setting climate policy.
Psychologie im Gemüsebeet - Transdisziplinäre Forschung mit Menschen aus der Solidarischen Landwirtschaft
Herausforderungen für die Nachhaltigkeit in Zeiten multipler Krisen Das Jahr 2023 war wieder ein Jahr multipler Krisen, die das Alltagsleben der Brandenburgerinnen und Brandenburger prägten.
The EU in the Global Hydrogen Race: Bringing Together Climate Action, Energy Security, and Industrial Policy The European Union has identified clean hydrogen as essential to its climate targets, technology leadership and energy security in the decarbonizing world.
The Geopolitics of Hydrogen : Volume 1: European Strategies in Global Perspective This open access book is a comprehensive exploration of European hydrogen policy, examining its development at both the EU level and in key Member States, while also considering the geopolitical implications of the emerging hydrogen landscape.
Germany’s Hydrogen Strategy: Securing Industrial Leadership in a Carbon–Neutral Economy This chapter provides a review of Germany’s import-oriented hydrogen strategy.
The Geopolitics of Hydrogen in Europe: The Interplay between EU and Member State Policies Drawing on the findings of the case studies presented in this edited volume, this final chapter summarizes and discusses the geopolitical challenges of hydrogen development in the European Union.
Introduction This introductory chapter places Europe’s hydrogen ambition in the broader context of the evolving geopolitics of the transition to net zero.
In the Ebbs and Flows of Resource Extraction, Who Is a Stakeholder? Insights from West Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)
Extraction/exclusion : beyond binaries of exclusion and inclusion in natural resource extraction Extraction/Exclusion draws and builds on scholarship from across the social sciences to show that natural resource extraction is predicated on exclusions.
Democratic Participation and Climate Politics: Notes on the Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat in France Political science and the public know what has gone wrong with liberal democracy and continues to go wrong, but what can be done to counter this trend?
Risk governance The IRGC risk governance framework refers to an integrated concept on how to deal with a variety of physical, environmental and social risks characterized by complex, uncertain and ambiguous impacts.
Curiosity-driven research In the light of the major global crises such as pandemics, war, climate change and inequality, scientific research faces new challenges and targets.
Transhumanism This chapter provides an overview of the transhumanist movement, its origins, its main figures and its main positions.
Negotiating Visions of Waste: On the Ethics of Maintaining Waste Infrastructures This chapter focuses on the maintenance of waste infrastructures in urban areas, arguing that waste infrastructures and their maintenance should be made more visible to allow for a more extensive, ethical engagement with waste.
Negative emission technologies Strategies for mitigating climate change today include plans for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through “Negative Emissions Technologies” (NETs).
The ecological Kairos: theological reflections on the threat of environmental plastics to organismal and environmental health
Kommunale Bürgerräte organisieren. Handbuch für den Weg von der ersten Idee bis zur Verwendung der Empfehlungen Bürgerräte basieren auf einer einfachen Idee: Per Los ausgewählte Menschen aus allen Teilen der Gesellschaft sollen stärker an politischen Entscheidungen beteiligt werden.
Education as a Vessel – Transformative Spaces and Relations for a Sustainable Higher Education with Transdisciplinary Aspirations
Klimarisiken: Umgang mit Unsicherheit im gesellschaftlichen Diskurs Inzwischen kann die Wissenschaft mithilfe von Klimamodellen künftige Entwicklungen und Gefährdungen durch den Klimawandel relativ genau projizieren.
Vielfältige Angebote als Schlüssel zur Mobilitätswende? In dem Beitrag wird ein grundlegendes Verständnis von den Begriffen Bedürfnisse, Verkehr und Mobilität geschaffen und miteinander in Bezug gesetzt.
Energieverantwortung aus der Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit Nachhaltigkeit ist als normative Grundlage politischer Entscheidungen zur Transformation des Energiesystems nicht mehr wegzudenken.
Głos doradczy społeczeństwa: panele obywatelskie w Niemczech i Polsce Classical approaches to policy advice envisage a clear division of roles between its providers and recipients, i.e. experts and politicians. However, this dualistic scheme is beginning to erode.
Bürger(räte) in der Politikberatung in Deutschland und Polen Klassische Ansätze der Politikberatung unterscheiden zwischen Anbietern (i.d.R. Experten) und Empfängern (i.d.R. Politiker) von Politikberatung.
Eksperci i polityka w Niemczech i w Polsce: postrzeganie kanałów dostępu i stopnia sformalizowania procesów doradczych Starting from the discussion of the concepts of formality and informality, the paper first examines and analyzes empirical findings from a survey of German and Polish political advisors, lobbyists and experts on their perceptions of the access cha
Experten und Politik in Deutschland und Polen: Die Wahrnehmung von Zugangskanälen und Formalisierung der Beratungsprozesse Ausgehend von der Diskussion um Formalität und Informalität aus der Perspektive der Organisationssoziologie, der Regierungsforschung und der Politikberatung werden zunächst empirische Befunde aus einer Befragung von deutschen und polnischen Politi
The Climate and Clean Air Coalition - A Voluntary Initiative for Climate and Air Quality Non-traditional and transnational actors have become essential for environmental and climate change governance. One of these actors, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), has taken over a lead role in the governance of SLCPs.
4.3.1 Energy systems The tipping dynamics in wind and solar power create potential for cascading effects to energy demand sectors, including household energy demand. These most likely start with shift actions and adoption of household-scale batteries and heat pumps.
The European Union and seabed mining The destruction suffered across Europe due to centuries of conquests and wars, particularly those that were inflicted during the second world war, eventually gave birth to a strong desire to foster peace and mutual benefit across the borders of th
The Intervention of Climate Science Is climate science changing the Earth? We would normally want to answer no. A science merely represents and does not intervene. Representation comes first and may or may not be followed by intervention, because intervention is a choice.
Proteste gegen Infrastrukturprojekte: Ursachen, Beweggründe und Strategien für eine inklusive Kommunikationskultur
Germany's industrial climate transformation strategy and the role of Carbon Capture and Utilization as a building block : targets, pathways, policies, and societal acceptance Germany is known for its ambitious climate policy targets. By 2045, the country seeks to achieve climate neutrality. As an intermediate step, the government has determined emission thresholds for different economic sectors through the year 2030.
How is the Redesign of Public Space for Active Mobility and Healthy Neighborhoods Perceived and Accepted? Experiences from a Temporary Real-World Experiment in Berlin For developing healthy and environmentally friendly cities an innovative redesign of urban infrastructure is necessary. However, changes to the current infrastructure are not always adopted and accepted immediately.
Review of the Central and South Atlantic Shelf and Deep-Sea Benthos: Science, Policy, and Management The Central and South Atlantic represents a vast ocean area and is home to a diverse range of ecosystems and species.
Social Performance Sustainability transformations in the energy industry, a key sector in the race to a zero-carbon economy in the Anthropocene, are still being largely understood from a technological standpoint.
Precautionary Approach The debate on how to evaluate and manage risks focuses on three major strategies: (Renn O. EMBO Rep 8:303–305, 2007, Renn O. Risk governance. Coping with uncertainty in a complex world. Earthscan, London, 2008a; Stirling A.
Using low-cost sensors to gather high resolution measurements of air quality in urban environments and inform mobility policy
Resilience Policy advice for dealing with major crises has focussed on two concepts: resilience and sustainability. The article introduces the term resilience and explains its application in different disciplines.
Growing from “sustainability inside-out” into the emergence of a relational approach to transformation. The story of the project “A Mindset for the Anthropocene” (AMA) In this chapter, we reflect on the development and impact of the project “A Mindset for the Anthropocene” a transformative transdisciplinary research process at the IASS Potsdam.
Delphi-Verfahren in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften : Konzept, Varianten und Anwendungsbeispiele Delphi-Verfahren ermöglichen die systematische Erfassung von Expert_innenurteilen. Sie haben sich vor allem dann bewährt, wenn für die Beantwortung einer Forschungsfrage eine gewisse Sachkenntnis und Urteilsfähigkeit benötigt wird.
Delphi methods in the Social and Health Sciences : concepts, applications and case studies Delphi methods enable the systematic collection of expert judgments. They have proven to be particularly useful when a certain level of expertise and judgment is required to answer a research question.
The Group Delphi Process in the Social and Health Sciences The group Delphi method is a Delphi variant in which the anonymity of the experts is abandoned in favour of an open exchange among professinals.
Mehr als Emissionssenkung - Mögliche Ansätze aus dem Meer, um die globalen Klimaziele zu erreichen Nach Einschätzung von Expert:innen reichen Emissionssenkungen allein möglicherweise nicht aus, um den Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen zu bekämpfen.
Die nukleare Option - Vom Hoffnungsträger zum Risikofaktor Im Laufe der letzten 50 Jahre der Entwicklung und Anwendung der Kernenergie hat die Politik zur nuklearen Energieerzeugung in fast allen Ländern der Welt ein Wechselbad der Gefühle erlebt, das von Begeisterung bis zu tiefer Skepsis reicht.
Ecological modernization and beyond Ecological modernization is the policy-driven innovation and diffusion of resource efficient clean technologies. It has become an extremely dynamic process – nothing less than a global industrial revolution.
Transdisziplinäre Governance systemischer Risiken Systemische Risiken stellen eine Herausforderung für Governance dar, weil diese Risiken hochgradig vernetzt und komplex sind sowie non-linearen Entwicklungen folgen und in ihren Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen nicht deterministisch sind.
Towards a Geoeconomics of Energy Transition in Central Asia’s Hydrocarbon-Producing Countries The global energy transition and the growing ambition of decarbonisation policies in the world’s leading economies are bound to affect Central Asia’s three hydrocarbon producers, yet there has been little research on the issue.
Konzepte und Strategien transdisziplinärer Forschung. Ein Überblick Angesichts der großen globalen Transformationen wie Globalisierung, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeitsorientierung sowie der aktuellen globalen Krisen wie Pandemien, Klimawandel, Ukrainekrieg und Gasknappheit steht die wissenschaftliche Forschung
International marine environmental law in the 21st century The marine environment is under increasing threat from the cumulative effects of human activities. This chapter examines and elaborates on some of the important challenges facing international marine environmental law today.
Public participation in the governance of deep-seabed mining in the Area Deep-seabed mining in the Area is regulated by the International Seabed Authority (ISA) which is mandated to act on behalf of humankind as a whole.
Assembling the Seabed: Pan-European and Interdisciplinary Advances in Understanding Seabed Mining This chapter deploys assemblage theory and thinking to bring together a unique set of insights on the seabed ranging from the ecological, to legal, practice to theoretical.
International Initiatives on Air Quality and Climate Change In this chapter we introduce a number of international governance frameworks and initiatives that, to varying degrees, support and advance integrated policy making on air pollution and climate change.
Ökonomische Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung – Erkenntnisse und Forschungsperspektiven Bildung ist eine unerlässliche Voraussetzung für die Förderung der nachhaltigen Entwicklung und die bessere Befähigung der Menschen, sich mit Umwelt- und Entwicklungsfragen auseinanderzusetzen (Art. 36.3 der Agenda 21, 1992).
Feasts and Festivals among Contemporary Siberian Communities The chapter provides an overview of contemporary religious and secular festivals today in Siberia, which have originated in diverse Indigenous religious practices, institutionalized religion, and the secularized rituals of Soviet times.
Imagining energy futures beyond colonial continuation The enduring material effects that colonial extractivism has had on human and more-than-human life, and on geopolitical formations, continue to shape imaginaries of future energy security in new ways.
Public Mobility and New Forms of Governance: The Example of the Berlin Bicycle Referendum The impetus for Germany’s first bicycle law came from civil society.
The Past, Present and Future of Ocean Governance: Snapshots from Fisheries, Area-Based Management Tools and International Seabed Mineral Resources Ocean governance comprises the law of the sea as well as all related policy and normative dimensions that relate to the regulation of human activity at sea and increasingly places a strong focus on marine environmental protection and the conservat
The micropolitics of collaborative governance: a power-sensitive and process-oriented perspective Warum führen Prozesse der collaborative governance oft eher in die Sackgasse als zum Erfolg? Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation geht dieses Problem an, indem sie die Mikroebene von collaborative governance analysiert.
Global Initiatives on Climate Change Governance The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) functions as the global climate regime’s centerpiece. Yet, innovative climate policy initiatives have proliferated within and beyond this institution.
Verkehrspolitik als Hegemoniefrage. Eine Analyse der Auseinandersetzungen um die Mobilitätswende in Deutschland In jüngster Zeit hat eine bemerkenswerte Politisierung des Klimawandels stattgefunden. Damit einher ging auch eine Zuspitzung verkehrspolitischer Auseinandersetzungen.
Hemispheric Air Pollution Air pollutants with lifetimes of a few weeks or longer, such as ozone, fine particulate matter, mercury, and many persistent organic pollutants, are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, and may be transported around the globe under the influence of globa
Energiewende, Kohleausstieg, Strukturwandel – die Rolle des Staates in der Reorganisation der Energieversorgung
Reconciling Risk, Resilience, and Sustainability: Learning from Narratives The continuing unsustainable pattern of human behavior creates enormous risks of increasingly frequent and severe disasters impacting the complex social-ecological-economic-technical system (SES) in which all life on Earth is embedded.
The Need for Dispatchable RES: A Closer Look at the Future Role of CSP in Europe Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) offers flexible and decarbonised power generation and is one of the few switchable renewable technologies that can generate renewable power on demand.
Tipping points in transitions of socio-economic systems Chapter 4 proposes metrics to study socio-technical systems’ systematic transformation, focusing specifically on tipping points.
The Artwork as a Living System Christa Sommerer’s and Laurent Mignonneau’s Response to Artifcial Life Research
Climate change and sustainable energy systems This chapter introduces nature and the source of climate change and its effects on human society and natural systems. It discusses the role of sustainable energy in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Energy and environment: Sustainability and security The chapter defines environmental sustainability and creates a linkage between energy and the environment. It highlights the impact of both renewable energy technologies and nonrenewable energy usages on the environment.
Dynamics of energy security and its implications The chapter begins with the conceptualization of energy security. Then it explains the core components that are required for any country to be energy secure.
The Power of Gender Equality to Accelerate Planetary Health and Prevent Pandemics: Evidence and Practice The COVID-19 pandemic has made global inequalities significantly worse, with women being disproportionately affected.
Making the Sun Shine at Night: Comparing the Cost of Dispatchable Concentrating Solar Power and Photovoltaics with Storage
Emergency Response: Clustering Change Truth is always concrete, as are emergencies. If truth and reliability of good decisions is what, in general, nourishes change and the readiness of people to trust in transformation, emergency response should be at the heart of this.
Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung in Zeiten postfaktischer Verunsicherung In Zeiten postfaktischer Verunsicherung kommt der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung besondere Bedeutung zu.
Anforderungen an eine nachhaltige und resiliente Krisenbewältigung In den jüngsten Umfragen zu den wichtigsten Problemen in Deutschland gibt es drei eindeutige Spitzenreiter: die Invasion der Ukraine durch Russland, die Corona-Pandemie und die Sorge vor Klimawandel und Umweltschäden.
Polar seas: governing extreme change in the Arctic and Southern Oceans This chapter analyses the challenges of extreme change in the Arctic and Southern Oceans. In both regions, warming seas, declining sea ice and acidification of waters are adversely affecting the distribution of marine species.
Wind Power Generation Wind power plays a major role in the decarbonization of the power sector. Already now, it supplies increasing shares of the global energy demand.
Solar Power Generation Solar energy supplies increasing shares of global energy demand. As a renewable source of energy, it will play a major role in decarbonizing electricity supply. This chapter provides an overview on the solar sector from an economic perspective.
Green recovery: catalyst for an enhanced EU role in climate and energy policy? This chapter reviews how the European Union has fared in enabling a green recovery in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis, drawing comparisons to developments after the financial crisis.
Laudato si‘: Ein ethischer Leitfaden auf dem Weg in eine nachhaltige Zukunft Die Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit bezieht sich auf die Dauerhaftigkeit humaner Lebensbedingungen sowie den Erhalt der dazu notwendigen natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen für die heutigen Menschen weltweit und künftigen Generationen. Einkauf und Verkehr – tatsächliche Verkehrsmittelwahl der Besucher:innen von Einkaufsstraßen im Vergleich zu Einschätzungen von Einzelhändler:innen Studien legen nahe, dass die lokale Wirtschaft von einer Flächenumverteilung, die eine Reduzierung des Motorverkehrs zugunsten von Fuß- und Radverkehr sowie ÖPNV anstrebt, profitiert.
A Construção do Urbano-Territorial na Amazônia: entendimentos práticos de Manaus e sua Região Metropolitana
Weaknesses in Corporate Commitments to Climate Change Adaptation and How to Fix Them: A Systemic Scenario Assessment Approach The climate is already changing, making climate change adaptation (CCA) an essential component of any sustainable development strategy.
Chinese Cultural Treasures as Contributions to a Mindset of Interconnectedness for Global Transformations This chapter elaborates how the cultural perspective of Chinese philosophy supports an interconnected worldview.
Innovative financing for Africa's blue economy This chapter examines the blue economy concept and discusses the increasing and cumulative challenges that require integrated solutions and finance approaches.
This Extraordinary Rock In their essay and film script, written for the exhibition Lithium, researchers David Habets, Cameron Hu and Stefan Schäfer focus on the element as a remedy for the exhaustion of personal reserves.
Widening the EU’s geoeconomic and regulatory approach to climate policy The EU’s regulatory approach to decarbonization advances sustainability but falls short of promoting regeneration.
This Extraordinary Rock In their essay and film script, written for the exhibition Lithium, researchers David Habets, Cameron Hu and Stefan Schäfer focus on the element as a remedy for the exhaustion of personal reserves.
Was Breaking the Taboo on Research on Climate Engineering via Albedo Modification a Moral Hazard, or a Moral Imperative? (2016/2017) The topic of increasing the reflectivity of the Earth as a measure to counteract global warming has been the subject of high-level discussions and preliminary research since several decades, though prior to the early 2000s there was only very limi
Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate in the Anthropocene (2012) The effects of human activities are increasingly overwhelming the geologic, biological and chemical processes that drive changes in the abundance of trace and greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere and Earth System behaviour.
General introduction: Democracy and sustainability Democracy and sustainability are political ideas that have shaped the course of human history and continue to do so today. On a very general level, these ideas have multiple commonalities.
Political representation and sustainable futures This chapter gives an overview of the scholarship on the general tensed relationship between political representation and sustainable futures.
Temporality and democratic sustainability Ideas of temporality are of key importance for understanding the relationship between democracy and sustainability.
The Routledge Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability This handbook provides comprehensive and critical coverage of the dynamic and complex relationship between democracy and sustainability in contemporary theory, discourse, and practice.
Structural irresponsibility: Politics of an imperfect future We live in a social world whose pace is accelerating. While the focus of most aspects of our intensified social life is narrowing down to the present, the futures we create on a daily basis cast ever-longer shadows.
Hoffnung für Brasiliens Regenwald. Hindernisse und Voraussetzungen für einen erfolgreichen Umwelt- und Klimaschutz in Amazonien
Gentechnische Anwendungen im Spiegel der nachhaltigen Entwicklung Das Verhältnis von Gentechnik und Nachhaltigkeit ist von vielen Unsicherheiten und Unklarheiten geprägt.
Vorsorge: Ein Prinzip zur vorbeugenden Risikoreduktion am Beispiel COVID-19 Prevention: The Concept of Preventive Risk Reduction, Illustrated by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Klimaschutz: Wissen und Handeln Zwischen dem Wissen über Ursachen, Folgen und geeignete Strategien zur Eindämmung der Klimakrise einerseits und der Umsetzung in Handeln andererseits klafft eine große Lücke.
Risk Perception and Its Impacts on Risk Governance Risk perception is an important component of risk governance, but it cannot and should not determine environmental policies. The reality is that people suffer and even die as a result of false information or perception biases.
Risk Perception and Its Impacts on Risk Governance Risk perception is an important component of risk governance, but it cannot and should not determine environmental policies. The reality is that people suffer and die as a result of false information or perception biases.
The Systemic Risk Perspective: Social Perception of Uncertainty and Tipping Points Humankind is confronted with two types of risks: conventional and systemic risks.
Was motiviert zu nachhaltigem Handeln? Perspektiven aus der umweltpsychologisch-transdisziplinären Praxis
Technikkonflikte und Partizipation Kernenergie, Kohlekraftwerke, grüne Gentechnik, selbst fahrende Autos, Eingriffe in die menschliche Keimbahn, Nanotechnologie und Müllverbrennungsanlagen – diese Technologien haben eines gemeinsam: Sie sind umstritten.
Die gesellschaftliche Resonanz auf den Klimaschutz: Von der Akzeptanz zur bürgerschaftlichen Mitwirkung
Integrated Science 2050: Science Without Borders In considering the changing world, the authors of the Integrated Science: Science without Borders were asked how you would see the future of your field 30 years later. The present chapter publishes authors’ views on this subject in 2050.
Historische Gärten und Gesellschaft : Kultur - Natur - Verantwortung Das Buch präsentiert interdisziplinär Wege des Zusammenspiels von gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung für die Bewahrung und die Nutzung historischer Gärten.
Transdisciplinary Approaches to Understand and Facilitate Transformations Towards Sustainability Many political decision-making processes are based on evidence and expert knowledge. However, expert knowledge and its use in public policy arenas have become increasingly contested in society.
Silence and its (self) transformative potentials. Integrating Silence Spaces in higher education: the case of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development This master thesis explores the potential of enriching higher education with the triad of self, sustainability and Silence.
Designing Sustainable Futures: Interdisciplinary Science and Social Creativity In every region and every nation in the world, people face the difficult challenges of learning to design and maintain healthy societies with limited natural resources—including water, land, and energy—under rapidly changing global to local condit
Wissenschaft im Strukturwandel : Die paradoxe Praxis engagierter Transformationsforschung Gesellschaftliche Veränderungen speisen sich oft aus wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. Gerade der Klimawandel zeigt dies eindrücklich. Wissenschaft ist aber immer auch Teil der Phänomene, die sie beobachtet.
Selbstwirksamkeit im Strukturwandel: Transformative Nachhaltigkeitsforschung mit Auszubildenden in der Lausitzer Braunkohleindustrie
Systemisches Risiko: Die Bedrohung gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt und Kohärenz. Lehren aus der Komplexitätswissenschaft
Addressing risks and trade-offs in governance Climate change and climate-altering technologies pose an emerging risk governance challenge involving risk-risk trade-offs both regarding potential outcomes as well as governance choices.
The Ethics and Politics of Temporality: Judith Butler, Embodiment, and Narrativity Temporality has played a central role in poststructuralist thought, where the human experience of living in time has been understood as having profound ethical and political consequences.
Sozial robuste Orientierungen für einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit digitalen Daten: Zusammenfassung und Perspektiven Das DiDaT Weißbuch liefert Orientierungen, Wegweiser und Leitplanken für einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit digitalen Daten und Infrastruktursystemen.
Supplementarische Informationen zum DiDaT Weißbuch : Orientierungen Verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit Daten – Orientierungen eines transdisziplinären Prozesses Der vorliegende Band „Supplementarischen Informationen zum DiDaT Weißbuch“ beinhaltet 24 Kurzpapiere.
DiDaT Weißbuch : Verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit digitalen Daten – Orientierungen eines transdisziplinären Prozesses Das DiDaT Weißbuch ist das Ergebnis eines zweijährigen transdisziplinären Prozesses der Identifikation, Erkundung und Analyse der Probleme und Lösungsoptionen bei der Erfassung, Behandlung, Verwertung und Nutzung digitale
Vom Waffenlager zur Bettwäscheausgabe. Überraschungen in der ehemaligen Pforte des Alten Kühlhauses in Görlitz
Mit Herz und Bagger. Ein Porträt der Baggerfahrerin Silke Butzlaff In ihrer Jugend wollte Silke Butzlaff eigentlich nicht in den Bergbau. Nun steuert sie seit 37 den ältesten noch im Betrieb befindlichen Eimerkettenbagger in der Lausitz und ist doch Bergarbeiterin geworden.
Öffentliche Mobilität und neue Formen der Governance: das Beispiel Volksentscheid Fahrrad Der Anstoß für Deutschlands erstes Fahrradgesetz kam aus der Zivilgesellschaft.
Schulstreik. Geschichte einer Aktionsform und die Debatte über zivilen Ungehorsam The chapter addresses the history and context of school strikes, the form of action that helped Fridays for Future gain attention for the global climate crisis.
Wir machen das schon : Lausitz im Wandel Die Lausitz hat einen Strukturbruch hinter und einen Strukturwandel vor sich. Der wirtschaftliche Umbau nach der deutschen Vereinigung hat nicht viel von der Industrie, die vor allem auf Braunkohle setzte, übrig gelassen.
Global processes in ocean policy: an opportunity to create coherence in governance frameworks and support the achievement of conservation goals Three major global processes in ocean governance under the umbrella of the United Nations are currently underway: negotiations for an international legally binding agreement under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) f
Risk Governance: From Knowledge to Regulatory Action Risk governance is used to refer to a body of scholarly ideas and concepts for collective decision making involving uncertain consequences of events or actions.
Sustainability needs Deceleration needs Basic Income/Livelihood enables Declaration enables Sustainability If we had unrestricted basis income for everyone, what would the consequences be? Would it increase freedom and equality and so dim down the ever faster accelerating times? Would it help to save the environment with its restricted resources?
In Gesellschaft Richard Sennetts : Perspektiven auf ein Lebenswerk Richard Sennett bereichert seit Jahrzehnten als Soziologe und öffentlicher Intellektueller die gesellschaftlichen Zeitdiagnosen.
Time Time is discussed as a framework within which social interactions take place, a structure for synchronization and a resource for planning activities and projects.
The call for sustainable and resilient policies in the COVID-19 crisis: How can they be interpreted and implemented? PolicyadvicefordealingwiththeCoronaCrisishasbeenfocusingontwomajorconcepts: resilienceandsustainability.Thepaperexplorestherelationshipbetweenthetwoterms,illustratesthe various concepts that are associated with each term, and suggests an i
Bildung Macht Zukunft : Lernen für die sozial-ökologische Transformation? Vielfältige Krisenprozesse machen deutlich, dass die Rückkehr zur gewohnten Tagesordnung keine Zukunft hat.
Globale Zukunftsvisionen und die Repräsentation alternativer Zukünfte Ein wesentliches Merkmal unserer Zeit ist die Tatsache, dass wir die Lebensbedingungen zukünftiger Generationen grundlegend beeinflussen.
Principles of inclusivity in energy access. Processes that promote equity In the energy access sector, local community members are often not given the opportunity to be heard and voice their concerns.
Climate Change Ethics and the Non-Human World This book examines from different perspectives the moral significance of non-human members of the biotic community and their omission from climate ethics literature.
Factors that enable or hinder sustained access to sustainable and effective cooking energy services. The case of the informal settlement of Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya Access to sustainable and effective energy services is central to every challenge and opportunity that humanity and the planet face today.
Ecosystem-Based Management for More Effective and Equitable Marine Protected Areas. A Case Study on the Faial-Pico Channel Marine Protected Area, Azores Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are increasingly employed as a tool to protect Europe’s swiftly declining marine biodiversity. However, despite increasing coverage, MPA effectiveness and equity is considered highly variable.
The Ecosystem Approach in International Marine Environmental Law and Governance An ecosystem approach to the management of human activities in the marine environment began to feature as a normative concept in international instruments in the 1980s, beginning with the pioneering Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Mari
Renewable electricity for all. Untangling conflicts about where to build Europe’s future supply infrastructure The European Union aims to fully decarbonise its electricity system by 2050 and relies largely on renewable electricity to reach this goal.
Energiepolitik unter neuen Vorzeichen Seit mehr als einer Dekade profitieren die USA von der Förderung von Schiefergas und nichtkonventionellem Erdöl.
Techno-economic assessment and life cycle assessment for CO2 utilisation This chapter is mainly based on the "Techno-Economic Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment Guidelines for CO2 Utilisation" written by the authors.
Aufgaben und Verantwortung der Sicherheitsforschung für die Kommunikation im postfaktischen Zeitalter
Law and Policy Dimensions of Ocean Governance Human populations have relied on the oceans for centuries for food supply, transportation, security, oil and gas resources, and many other reasons.
Schutz von Umwelt, Biodiversität und Klima: Erkenntnisse aus der Corona-Krise Inmitten der Corona-Krise fand am 17. und 18. April der elfte Petersberger Klimadialog statt. Von dieser Veranstaltung ging in diesem Jahr ein starker Weckruf aus, dass nämlich die Menschheit nicht nur durch den Virus namens COVID-19 bedroht ist.
International Organizations and the Protection of the Marine Environment One response to the numerous governance challenges faced with respect to the oceans, a shared space, is the creation of international organizations.
The Global Energy Transition and the Global South The global energy transition, that is the full decarbonization of the world energy system until 2050, is attracting growing attention in global policy debates.
The EU in Global Energy Governance This chapter gives an overview on the European Union (EU)’s role in global energy governance.
Der Markt für Politikberatung und Lobbyismus aus der Perspektive polnischer und deutscher Parlamentarier The number of forms, contexts and actors of policy advice and lobbying has grown over the years to such an extent that the problem of diffuse boundaries between these processes, and of capturing the specificity of the market that they form, gains
Nachhaltigkeit braucht Entschleunigung braucht Grundein/auskommen ermöglicht Entschleunigung ermöglicht Nachhaltigkeit Könnte ein Bedingungsloses Grundein/auskommen die Freiheit und Chancengleichheit eines jede(n) Einzelne(n) fördern und auf diese Weise die maßlose Beschleunigung unserer Zeit eindämmen und so dazu beitragen die begrenzten Ressourcen unserer Umwelt
Inclusive governance for energy policy making : conceptual foundations, applications, and lessons learned
France: Reducing Nuclear Dominance and Promoting a Low-Carbon Energy System With the adoption of its first Energy Transition Law in August 2015, France has scaledup its commitment to address global environmental issues.
Turkey: Great Potential, Missing Will Turkey’s energy policy focuses on the promotion of coal and nuclear power.
India: Meeting Energy Needs for Development While AddressingClimate Change India is undergoing structural urban and economic transitions and has set ambitiouspolicy targets to meet its rising energy needs for development.
Indonesia: A Long Way to Low-Carbon Development Indonesia is the biggest energy consumer in Southeast Asia and the world’s leadingcoal exporter. Its primary energy mix is dominated by oil and traditional biomass.Almost a third of its population lacks access to modern energy services.
Saudi Arabia: Oil as a Burden in the Struggle for Energy Diversification Historically, Saudi Arabia’s economic progress has relied heavily on high oil revenues.In times of low oil prices, its rentier state system suffers from decreased revenues,which are needed to sustain a generous welfare state and highly subsidised
The EU: In the Midst of Crisis – Downgraded Sustainable Energy Ambitions The European Union (EU) is represented in the G20 by the Union as well as by theindividual (EU-4) member states France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom.
Japan: Dominated by Fukushima and Tackling Hard Problems in Decarbonisation Japan’s energy policy remains dominated by the Fukushima nuclear disaster of 2011.While the government continues to be committed to nuclear power, its future is uncertain.Japanese greenhouse gas emissions have increased significantly as nuclear en
The United States: Domestic Transitions and International Leadership Towards Low-Carbon Energy As the world’s second largest energy consumer and emitter of greenhouse gases, oneof its most important producers of oil and gas and home to the second largest capacityof renewable energy, the United States is a central actor in global energy gove
South Africa: Carbon-Intensive Economy and a Regional Renewable Energy Frontrunner Due to its strong reliance on coal, South Africa is a middle-income country with veryhigh per capita emissions.
Argentina: From an Energy Stalemate Towards Shale Gas Expansion and Creating a Renewables Market After years of stalemate, attracting investment in the energy sector to mitigate electricityshortages and meet rising demand are top priorities for Argentina.
Partizipation und bürgerschaftliches Engagement in der Energiewende In diesem Kapitel wird Partizipation in der Energiewende, also die Beteiligung von Einzelpersonen, Institutionen und anderen Akteuren an Planungsverfahren, Energiewende-Strategien, konkreten Umsetzungsmaßnahmen und an Energieanlagen selbst behande
Akzeptanz in der Energiewende Die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz von Energieinfrastrukturen und klimapolitischen Maßnahmen stellt einen wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktor für die Transformation des Energiesystems dar.
Akzeptanzbedingungen politischer Maßnahmen für die Verkehrswende. Das Fallbeispiel Berliner Mobilitätsgesetz Die Verkehrswende ist ein sozio-technischer Transformationsprozess, der ohne die Akzeptanz der Bevölkerung nicht gelingen kann.
The early evolution of climate engineering research The emerging climate engineering (CE) debate will be fed by scientific information–and likely by misinformation as well.
Geoengineering our Climate? Ethics, Politics, and Governance If the detrimental impacts of human-induced climate change continue to mount, technologies for geoengineering our climate – i.e.
Foresight in climate engineering Climate engineering is a novel enterprise embedded in the complex and dynamic landscape of natural and human systems.
Environmental Policy in India This book systematically introduces historical trajectories and dynamics of environmental policy and governance in India. Following the features of environmental policy in India as outlined in Chapter 1, subsequent chapters explore domestic and in
Comparing perceptions of climate-related environmental changes for Tuvalu, Samoa, and Tonga Individual perceptions of climate-related environmental changes are essential to understand behavioural responses to such changes.
Welche Zukunft für die finanzielle Globalisierung? Vier Szenarien für das internationale Währungssystem im Jahr 2040 Nichts hat so sehr zur heutigen finanziellen Globalisierung beigetragen wie die Transformation des internationalen Währungssystems. In seiner gegenwärtigen Form hat es eine hierarchische Struktur mit dem US-Dollar an der Spitze.
Contested social-ecological transformation. Shortcomings of current debates and Polanyian perspectives In recent years, manifold ways to deal with the ecological crisis are subsumed under the header “transition/ transformation to sustainability” or even “Great” transformation.
Capitalism in Transformation. Movements and Countermovements in the 21st Century Presenting a profound and far-reaching analysis of economic, ecological, social, cultural and political developments of contemporary capitalism, this book draws on the work of Karl Polanyi, and re-reads it for our times.
Systemic Risks. Common Characteristics and Approaches for Improving Resilience In this article, I aim to delineate the genesis and analytical scope of risk governance.
Damit gutes Leben mit der Natur einfacher wird. Suffizienzpolitik für Naturbewahrung Die Beiträge dieses Bandes entstanden im Rahmen einer 3-teiligen Tagungsreihe in den Jahren 2016-2018 an der Internationalen Naturschutz Akademie des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz.
Constructing Climate Change in the U.S. Rust Belt. Political Discourse, the Media and Climate Policy Frames in Michigan and Indiana The dissertation studies climate policy discourses in Indiana and Michigan. These two U.S. Rust Belt states are among the country's ten largest greenhouse gas emitters and have shown relatively low climate protection ambitions.
I Want to Tell You a Story. How Narrative Water Ethics Contributes to Re-theorizing Water Politics This paper explores potential contributions of narrative ethics to the re-theorization ofthe political in water governance, particularly seeking to rectify concerns regarding when wateris excluded from cultural contexts and issues of power and dom
Water security between Scylla and Charybdis Against the background of more than one billion people worldwide without regular access to clean water and sanitation, an intensive debate has been going on about water security for many years now.
Concepts and conceptions of sustainable development for agriculture and food production Sustainable development is a challenging vision for the governance and management of agriculture and food production. On the one hand, it aims to make these systems more just.
Energiewende Im Jahr 2005 erschien das »ABC der Globalisierung«. Inzwischen zeigen sich die Auswirkungen der neoliberalen Globalisierung in aller Deutlichkeit: Aus dem Wohlfahrtsversprechen ist eine Welt der globalen (Un)Ordnung geworden.
Protection of the Marine Environment. The International and National Regulation of Deep Seabed Mining Activities This chapter provides an overview of the international and national regulatory framework pertaining to deep seabed mining activities.
Rynek doradztwa politycznego i lobbingu z perspektywy polskich i niemieckich parlamentarzystów The market of political consulting and lobbying from the perspective of Polish and German parliamentarians. The number of forms, contexts and actors of policy advice and lobbying has grown over the years to such an extent that the problem of diffu
Mehr Demokratie durch dialogorientierte Bürgerbeteiligung Based on a critical review of recent debates within democratic theory, the contribution argues for the adoption of deliberative democratic innovations in order to react to the current crisis of democracy.
Going Beyond Evidence. Evaluation of and for Policy Advice Evaluation research can provide policy advice on the basis of evidence that it is increasingly expected to rely upon. At the same time, policy advice itself can take on the role of the evaluandum and become the very object of evaluation.
Governance of Societies It is no secret that the world is urbanizing very fast. If UN estimates turn out to be true, by midcentury 2.5 billion people will have joined the approximately 3.9 billion living in cities today, an urban population increase of over 60 %!
Global Risk Assessment Scientists and engineers have long been aware of the tension between narrow specialization and multidisciplinary cooperation, but now a major transformation is in process that will require technical fields to combine far more effectively than form
Soziologie Was genau ist eine Handlung? Wie unterscheidet sie sich von bloßem Verhalten und von Ereignissen? Und wie lassen sich Handlungsgründe analysieren?
Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik Wissenschaftskommunikation ist zentral für moderne Wissensgesellschaften – und in den vergangenen Jahren immer vielfältiger geworden.
Bürgerbeteiligung – Konzepte, Methoden, Umsetzung Spätestens die Proteste gegen die Erweiterung des Flughafens in Frankfurt am Main, den Bau der Dresdner Waldschlößchenbrücke oder Stuttgart 21 haben gezeigt: Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger möchten auf die konkrete Ausgestaltung ihres unmittelbaren Leb
Public Health, Risk Perception, and Risk Communication. Unconventional Shale Gas in the United States and the European Union The chapter addresses perspectives and societal appetite for risks associated with unconventional oil and gas development on public health.
Das Risikoparadox. Warum die Intuition bei der Bewertung von Risiken für Leben und Gesundheit so oft versagt?
Das Energiesystem resilient gestalten: Maßnahmen für eine gesicherte Versorgung; Stellungnahme des Akademienprojekts „Energiesysteme der Zukunft“ Resiliente Energiesysteme sind nicht gefeit vor Störfällen, bleiben aber auch bei schweren Störungen funktionsfähig oder werden es rasch wieder und lernen aus Krisen.
Energy Dominance. Das Schicksal von Klimaschutz und nachhaltiger Energie in der Außenpolitik Donald Trumps The chapter studies the main features of U.S. energy policy in its emerging international policy dimension.
Successful green entrepreneurs consider the connection of their business model with further win-win strategies
Digitale Technologien für den Umweltschutz. Wie künstliche Intelligenz und Big Datadie Umweltgovernance verbessern können Die Konferenz »Bits & Bäume« (2018 in Berlin) bot das bis dato größte Debattenforum für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit.
Schöne neue Welt? Arbeitssicherheit und Umweltrisiken bei Industrie 4.0 n diesem Buch setzt sich die Gesellschaft für Sicherheits-wissenschaft e. V. (GfS) mit dem Thema Sicherheit in einer vernetzten Welt in einem breiten Verständnis der (soziotechnischen) Vernetzung auseinander.
Partizipation und Kommunikation in der Energiewende Proteste gegen den Ausbau von Stromtrassen und Windparks zeigen: Technische Lösungen allein reichen nicht aus, um den Umbau des Energiesystems voranzubringen.
Bio-Based Economy. Policy Framework and Foresight Thinking The bioeconomy, understood as the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, bio-based products and bioenergy via innovative and efficient technologies, has the potential to tackle current grand challenges l
Adapting the Economy for the Common Good for Research Institutions — Case Studies from the IGC Bremen and IASS Potsdam Social and sustainability reporting in universities and research institutes is still in its early stages compared to CSR reporting in corporations.
Das Gruppendelphi-Verfahren in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften Das Gruppendelphi-Verfahren ist eine Delphi-Variante, bei der die Anonymität der Expert_innen zugunsten eines offenen Austauschs aufgegeben wird.
Elemente einer zukunftsfähigen Energiepolitik In diesem Sammelband der Reihe „Sozialethik konkret“ wird die vielschichtige Problematik einer globalen und gerechten Umweltpolitik aufgegriffen und aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen diskutiert.
Océan bleu. Des risques liés à la dégradation de l'océan à une assurance pour la patrimoine coralliens - concepts pour sauvegarder le capital naturel bleu
The Role of Perceptions in Coping with Environmental Changes. Perspectives from Pacific Small Island States Inhabitants of Pacific Small Island States are facing multiple socio-ecological pressures and the impacts of global climate change aggravate the situation.
Deep-Sea Natural Capital. Putting Deep-Sea Economic Activities into an Environmental Context The natural capital of the vast deep ocean is significant yet not well quantified. The ecosystem services provided by the deep sea provide a wide range of benefits to humanity.
Air Pollution in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Air pollution has large impacts on the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH), affecting not just the health of people and ecosystems, but also climate, the cryosphere, monsoon patterns, water availability, agriculture, and incomes (established but incomplete)
Systemische Risiken und Transformationsprozesse auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsentwicklung Die angestrebte Transformation zur nachhaltigen, klimaneutralen Gesellschaft ist ein konfliktgeladener und riskanter Prozess, der technologische Innovationen, den gravierenden Wandel im Umgang des Menschen mit den Ökosystemen und gesellschaftliche
Consumer (Co-)Ownership in Renewables in Germany The German legislator has made the “…preservation of the diversity of actors…” an explicit policy goal introduced since the 2014 recast of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). Furthermore, sec.
Implications for Risk Governance Risk perception differs from scientific or statistical assessment of risks. More than reflecting probability and magnitude, risk perception also includes aspects such as voluntariness of risk, possibility of personal control, or familiarity.
The Ultra-Lean Partially Stratified Charge Approach to Reducing Emissions in Natural Gas Spark-Ignited Engines Lean-burn natural gas engines can be used to reduce exhaust emissions significantly.
Work in progress: economy and environment in the hands of experts The world we live in has been shaped by expertise. Yet experts were not born with power: they had to struggle to achieve their authority and legitimacy.
The Promise and Perils of Corporate Mindfulness Mindfulness meditation has become mainstream, making its way into schools, corporations, prisons and government agencies including the U.S. military.
Risiko-Governance: Ein neuer Ansatz zur Analyse und zum Management komplexer Risiken Das Konzept der Risiko Governance beschreibt einen integrativen Ansatz zum Umgang mit Risiken, insbesondere wenn diese als simpel, komplex, unsicher oder mehrdeutig beschrieben werden können.
A Meta-Critique of Mindfulness Critiques: From McMindfulness to Critical Mindfulness Online magazines and blogs are attempting to translate mindfulness into the cultural mainstream, but online discussions often reproduce assumptions and patterns of thinking which are divisive, leading to an increasingly polarized debate.
The Social and Political Significance of Contemplation and its Potential for Shaping Contemplative Studies
Arctic High Seas Governance of Biodiversity On June 19, 2015, following a long period of preparation, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution A/69/L.65: 65 “Development of an international legally-binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conserv
Going Beyond Evidence: Evaluation of and for Policy Advice Evaluation research can provide policy advice on the basis of evidence that it is increasingly expected to rely upon. At the same time, policy advice itself can take on the role of the evaluandum and become the very object of evaluation.
Assessment of Decentralized Hybrid Mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa: Market Analysis, Least-Cost Modelling, and Job Creation Analysis With a growing impetus to meet energy demand through decentralized hybrid mini-grids in rural and semi-urban locations in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the need to accurately assess the market drivers, policy requirements and job creation impacts of t
Simulation and Gaming for Policy Advice This chapter aims at extending the policy advisor’s toolbox, by presenting the potential of serious games to support the whole spectrum of advisory and analytical processes behind public policymaking.
Are We on the Cusp of a Global Renewable Energy Transition? This chapter examines global energy trends, whether a global renewable energy transition is already taking place, and what steps are needed to further accelerate the global deployment of renewables.
Nachhaltigkeit in primären und sekundären Bildungseinrichtungen Im Diskurs um eine nachhaltige Entwicklung ist unter anderem die Frage nach distributiver Gerechtigkeit, das heißt der gerechten Verteilung von begrenzten Ressourcen, von hoher Bedeutung Dem Bildungsbereich wird hier eine bedeutende Rolle zugewies
Medien und ihre Wirkung auf umwelt- und gesundheitsbezogenes Verhalten In einer zunehmend differenzierten Medienlandschaft mit konventionellen Massenmedien wie Zeitungen und TV sowie neuen internet-basierten Medien hat sich die Funktion der Medienberichterstattung signifikant geändert: es geht weniger um Informations
Co-Designing Economies in Transition: Radical Approaches in Dialogue with Contemplative Social Sciences This transdisciplinary volume puts forward proposals for wiser, socially just and sustainable socio-economic systems in transition.
Introduction We are entering an era characterized by new social and economic forms beyond our understanding.
Navigating the Great Transition Via Post-capitalism and Contemplative Social Sciences This essay maps the conditions under which a socially just and sustainable global future could emerge from large-scale structural transformations to contemporary society.
Governance of Resources for Arctic Sustainable Policy and Practice (GRASP)—Stakeholder Mapping GRASP (Governance of Resources for Arctic Sustainable Policy and Practice) is an inter- and transdisciplinary research project jointly developed in 2014 by the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), the Inst
Influence of synoptic and local meteorological conditions on surface ozone concentrations over Europe Da zu erwarten ist, dass der Klimawandel die globalen, regionalen und kommunalen meteorologischen Zustände verändern wird, werden die Veränderungen des Klimasystems eine wesentliche Rolle in Bezug auf die zukünftig Luftqualität spielen.
Claims for local justice in natural resource conflicts: lessons from Peru's mining sector Scholarly analysis has, in the past, rarely focused on the role that diverging notions of justice play in the evolution of natural resource conflicts.
Adaptation to Climate Change at Local Scale: A CFD Study in Porto Urban Area Green infrastructures play an essential role in urban planning, namely with their potential to reduce the impact from air pollution episodes together with extreme weather events.
Distributed Responsibility in Risk Governance The principles of responsibility and accountability have increasingly become a significant concept for the political capability to act independently and make decisions without superior authorization.
Low-Carbon Technologies, National Innovation Systems, and Global Production Networks: The State of Play
Die soziale Komponente der Nachhaltigkeit Mit den im September 2015 von den Vereinten Nationen verabschiedeten Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) der Agenda 2030 wurden erstmals soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeitsziele systematisch verknüpft.
Das Soziale Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer der Energiewende 2017 Mit den im September 2015 von den Vereinten Nationen verabschiedeten Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) der Agenda 2030 wurden erstmals soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeitsziele systematisch verknüpft.
How personalities and participant interactions shape co-creative transdisciplinary processes After having worked academically in the field of semiconductor nanophysics I joined the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam in 2012.
Konkurrenz um die Führung? Die transatlantische Gemeinschaft und die internationale Klimaschutzpolitik
Private Credit Money Gone Public: Monetary Transformation and the Accommodation of Bank Notes, Bank Deposits and Shadow Money In his thesis, Steffen examines this process of 'accommodating' private credit money from a comparative perspective.
Free trade agreements and patterns of risk regulation in the EU and the US: Study Transatlantic regulatory patterns overall, and in four key sectors: food, automobiles,chemicals, and pharmaceuticals, indicate that EU risk regulation is not always orgenerally more stringent than US regulation.
The Palgrave Handbook of Climate History This handbook offers the first comprehensive, state-of-the-field guide to past weather and climate and their role in human societies.
Die Energiewende verstehen – orientieren – gestalten: der Ansatz der Helmholtz-Allianz ENERGY-TRANS Die Helmholtz-Allianz ENERGY-TRANS1 wurde im Jahr 2011 kurz nach den Ereignissen in Fukushima und den darauf folgenden Entscheidungen über die deutsche Energiewende gegründet und endete fristgerecht in 2016.
Concepts, Formats, and Methods of Participation: Theory and Practice New energies form new energy landscapes (Apostol, Palmer, Pasqualetti, Smardon, & Sullivan, 2016; Gailing & Leibenath, 2013). Energy carriers converge within space and open up leeway and scope for design.
An den Grenzen der Bürgerbeteiligung: Informelle dialogorientierte Bürgerbeteiligung im Netzausbau der Energiewende Die Energiewende ist eines der ambitioniertesten politischen Transformationsvorhaben in der bundesdeutschen Geschichte (Ethikkommission Sichere Energieversorgung 2011).
Bewertung und Priorisierung des Integrierten Klimaschutz- und Energiekonzeptes der Stadt Rottenburg am Neckar
Financial System, and Energy and Resource Husbandry This chapter explores aspects of the relationship between the financial system and resource industries, starting with general criteria for sound investment and an overview of the various materials and resources that need to be distinguished.
Keine Energiewende ohne ausreichende Akzeptanz: Warum die Bevölkerung in die Prozesse der Energiewende eingebunden werden muss Sie ist eine der großen Aufgaben unserer Zeit: die Energiewende. Das anspruchsvolle Ziel dieser Jahrhundertaufgabe lautet, Energie umweltverträglich, wirtschaftlich und sicher bereitzustellen.
Partizipation bei der Energiewende und beim Ausbau der Stromnetze: Philosophische Fundierung Der Band vereint die wichtigsten Forschungsergebnisse der Helmholtz-Allianz ENERGY-TRANS zur Energiewende aus dem Blickwinkel unterschiedlicher Fachbereiche: u.a.
Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung bei Planungsvorhaben der Energiewende Der Band vereint die wichtigsten Forschungsergebnisse der Helmholtz-Allianz ENERGY-TRANS zur Energiewende aus dem Blickwinkel unterschiedlicher Fachbereiche: u.a.
Die Energiewende verstehen – orientieren – gestalten. Einsichten aus fünf Jahren integrativer Forschung Der Band vereint die wichtigsten Forschungsergebnisse der Helmholtz-Allianz ENERGY-TRANS zur Energiewende aus dem Blickwinkel unterschiedlicher Fachbereiche: u.a.
An MgB2 HVDC Superconducting Cable for Power Transmission with a Reduced Carbon Footprint The advantages of superconductivity have been acknowledged by the European Commission with its funding of Best Paths, a collaborative project on energy transmission that includes a superconducting power transmission line as one of its five constit
MINT FEMININ: Ansätze für eine nachhaltige schulische MINT-Mädchenförderung Die schulische Förderung von MINTeressierten Mädchen („FeMINTinnen“) erfordert aufgrund verschiedener Motivlagen und Prädispositionen auch unterschiedliche Ansätze.
Growth: A Discussion of the Margins of Economic and Ecological Thought In the late 1960s a debate about the long-term feasibility and desirability of economic growth as a one-size-fits-all economic policy emerged.
Die Struktur der CE-Debatte Die komplexe Debatte über Climate Engineering dreht sich sowohl in der Öffentlichkeit als auch inder Wissenschaft um die zwei zentralen Fragen nach der Erforschung und dem Einsatz von CETechnologien.Dabei wird eine Vielzahl von Argumenten diskutie
Sustainable Development Within Knowledge Democracies: An Emerging Governance Problem Sustainable development is all over the place. The concept is broad and vague. The vagueness of the concept has a Janus face. It has been called a unifying concept because its vagueness breeds a consensus that might be utilised later on.
Development, Sustainability and International Politics The chapter argues for a lecture of the notion of development as strongly linked to the uneven distribution of material and non-material sources of power among groups.
Transgovernance: The Quest for Governance of Sustainable Development In this chapter, the Summary and Recommendations are included of the first report of the TransGov project of IASS, Potsdam, authored by Roeland J. in ’t Veld. For this report the contributions to this volume were used as source of inspiration.
Taking Boundary Work Seriously: Towards a Systemic Approach to the Analysis of Interactions Between Knowledge Production and Decision-Making on Sustainable Development The concept of boundary work has been put forward as an analytical approach towards the study of interactions between science and policy.
The Danger of Tax Havens for Financial Stability The concerns about tax haven activity shown by leading nations originate not only from a sense of injustice caused by the fact that tax havens allow multi-billion dollar firms such as Google, Starbucks and Apple to pay only a few pennies in taxes
Transgovernance: advancing sustainability governance ‘Transgovernance: Advancing Sustainability Governance’ analyses what implications recent and ongoing changes in the relations between politics, science and media – together characterized as the emergence of a knowledge democracy – may have for gov
Cultural Diversity and Sustainability Metagovernance In the 20 years since the United Nations summit on sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the world has become more diverse, turbulent, fast and multi-polar.
Gesundheitsrisiken im gesellschaftlichen Diskurs Jeden Tag begegnen uns in der Zeitung und im Internet ausführliche Hinweise, wie wir uns gesund ernähren sollen, wie wir gesund leben und arbeiten und was wir unter allen Umständen vermeiden sollen.
Die Energiewende verstehen - orientieren - gestalten: Erkenntnisse aus der Helmholtz-Allianz ENERGY-TRANS Der Band vereint die wichtigsten Forschungsergebnisse der Helmholtz-Allianz ENERGY-TRANS zur Energiewende aus dem Blickwinkel unterschiedlicher Fachbereiche: u.a.
Der America First Energy Plan: Ein Blick auf die neue Energiepolitik Donald Trumps US-Präsident Donald Trump möchte mit seinem „America First EnergyPlan“ die Wirtschaft ankurbeln, Arbeitsplätze schaffen und unabhängig von Energieimportenwerden.
SDG 14 - Conserve and Sustainable Use the Oceans, Seas and Marine Resources for Sustainable Development sdg 14 focuses on human interactions withthe ocean, seas and marine resources.It is underpinned by targets addressingconservation and sustainable use of theocean, seas and marine resources includingcoastal zones, and targets referring tocapacity b
Participation This chapter examines citizen participation in international organizations (IOs). The focus on citizen participation builds on the understanding of participation as a principle of governance in democratic theory.
Das Energiesystem resilient gestalten: Szenarien – Handlungsspielräume – Zielkonflikte Deutschlands Energiesystem ist bislang stabil, Störungen können jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Anschläge, Wetterextreme und Rohstoffengpässe könnten die Versorgung bedrohen.
The Fabulous Five – A Bayesian Fairy Tale This publication presents the research result of 'the Anthropocene Project' at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. In the Anthropocene era - a geological age of our own making, what understood to be nature is made by man.
Koordinierte Weltinnenpolitik: Zusammendenken im atlantischen Raum Deutschland soll international mehr Verantwortung übernehmen – an dieser Forderung muss sich die deutsche Politik neu ausrichten. Die neue Agenda heißt: Außen-, Entwicklungs- und Sicherheitspolitik gemeinsam denken.
Conclusion: Governing the Arctic as a Globally Embedded Space The chapter provides concluding thoughts on the governance of the Arctic as a globally embedded space as put forward in the Introduction and exemplified in the manifold contributions to this volume.
Digital Disruptions and the Emergence of Virtual Think Tanks This chapter focuses on policy-relevant research organizations or think tanks as important institutions in open, democratic, innovative, and adaptable political systems.
From the Garden of Eden to Eden’s Gardener? Experiences from Dialogues with Religious Groups on Climate Engineering and Possible Implications for Transdisciplinarity Calming the Storm presents diverse perspectives on some of the most vital questions raised by climate engineering: Who has the right to make decisions about such global technological efforts?
Umweltpolitik Wie kaum eine andere Bereichsethik befasst sich die Umweltethik einerseits mit Grundfragen der Philosophie (Naturphilosophie, Anthropologie, politische Philosophie) und berührt andererseits verschiedene Politikfelder (Klimapolitik, Naturschutz, La
Wirtschaftliche Interessen in der europäischen Klima- und Energiepolitik. Entwicklungstendenzen unterhalb der nationalen Ebene Die europäische Energiepolitik ist in ein komplexes Mehrebenensystem eingebettet. Auf der supranationalen Ebene formulierte Ziele und Policies müssen auf der lokalen Ebene implementiert werden, wo Energie bereitgestellt und verbraucht wird.
Crutzen +10: Reflecting upon 10 years of geoengineering research The year 2016 marks the 10 year anniversary of Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen's seminal 2006 contribution on geoengineering, “Albedo enhancement by stratospheric sulfur injection: A contribution to solve a policy dilemma?” Crutzen’s paper in climatic
Clean Air and White Ice: Governing Black Carbon Emissions Affecting the Arctic This chapter is a joint effort by natural and legal scientists to make the case for the dramatic consequences black carbon (BC) emissions mainly from outside the Arctic region have on the Arctic ecosystem, and how BC has recently become the specif
The Arctic in a Global Energy Picture: International Determinants of Arctic Oil and Gas Development The chapter assesses the prospects for Arctic oil and gas development by taking a closer look at international determinants, which have been largely overlooked so far.
Introduction: The Arctic as a Globally Embedded Space This introductory chapter sets the stage for the edited volume and formulates a framework for analysing the governance of Arctic change in a global perspective.
Governing Arctic Change: Global Perspectives This volume explores the governance of the transforming Arctic from an international perspective.
Russia: A Gas Superpower Striving for Nuclear Expansion and Starting to Support Renewables Russia has the fourth highest electricity demand globally. In the mid- and long-term,fossil fuels (gas, oil and coal) and nuclear energy will remain the backbone of Russiandomestic and international energy policies.
Germany: Promoting an Energiewende Domestically and Globally The German Energiewende – literally translated as “energy turnaround” – is an outstandingexample of a national effort to transform an energy system.
China: Emerging Global Power in Clean Energy? China’s electricity supply is still strongly dependent on coal, but a strong domesticrenewable energy industry is driving rapid deployment of wind and solar energy.
Brazil: Long Tradition of Renewables-Based Energy Supply and Ethanol Diplomacy The Brazilian energy sector has one of the highest renewables shares and remains oneof the least carbon-intensive in the world. Electricity supply has long been based onhydropower.
The G20 and its Role in Global Energy Governance Global energy supply is still far from sustainable. There is no comprehensive approachin global energy governance to steer a global energy transition.
Nachhaltige Innovationen Nachhaltige Innovationen ist ein sich neu entwickelndes Forschungsfeld in der Innovationsforschung, das dem zunehmenden Bedeutungszuwachs der Nachhaltigkeit Rechnung trägt.
PM Modelling over Nepal with WRF-Chem Very high particulate matter (PM) and black carbon (BC) concentrations are observed in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.
Übergreifende Risiken und Unsicherheiten Inzwischen kann die Wissenschaft mit Klimamodellen künftige Entwicklungen und Gefährdungen durch den Klimawandel relativ gut projizieren.
Buffets, Cafes, or a Multicourse Meal: On the Many Possible Ways to Use This Book The rich content of this volume is based on the experiences of many authors writing about diverse locations, contexts, and issues.
Bürgerbeteiligung: Konzepte und Lösungswege für die Praxis Eine umfassende Praxisdarstellung, wie Bürgerbeteiligung erfolgreich eingesetzt werden kann und wie sie wirkt.Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Umsetzungsanleitungen werden vermittelt und in 22 konkreten Praxisbeispielen vorgestellt.
La integración energética regional: la gobernanza global de la energía y el escenario latinoamericano
Energiegenossenschaften – ein Bürgerbeteiligungsmodell zur Umsetzung der Energiewende? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer politischen Beteiligung
Die Rolle von Lastmanagement als Flexibilitätsoption im deutschen Elektrizitätssystem. Eine Potentialanalyse am Beispiel der Kältetechnik im Lebensmittel-Einzelhandel
Building Interfaces That Work: A Multi-stakeholder Approach to Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation
Regulatory Changes and Citizen-Led Renewable Energy Production. Market Integration and the Development of Wind Power Cooperatives in Denmark
Gobernanza de los Recursos Naturales a favor de la Población Pobre en el contexto del Cambio Climático. Abordando vulnerabilidades en las zonas rurales de Bangladés, Bolivia, Brasil, Burkina Faso, Ecuador e India
Gestion des ressources en faveur des pauvres dans un contexte de changements climatiques. Aborder les vulnerabilités en régions rurales du Bangladesh, en Bolivie, au Brésil, au Burkina Faso, en Équateur et en Inde
Akzeleratoren der Diffusion klimafreundlicher Technik: Horizontale und vertikale Verstärker im Mehrebenensystem
Resource Governance in Lomerío, Bolivia: Indigenous Territory Management in the Context of an Expanding Primary Sector
Environmental and Social Vulnerabilities of the Poor under Climate Change Conditions: The Char Lands in Bangladesh
Environmental Assessment of CO2 Capture and Utilisation This chapter provides an introduction to the application of life cycle assessment (LCA) for a reliable environmental assessment of CO2 capture and utilisation (CCU).
International Climate Finance for Developing Countries: The Green Climate Fund aims for Transformative Ambition
Sustainable, Transformative, Democratic: Klaus Töpfer’s Contributions for Transitions Towards Sustainability
Contributions Towards a Sustainable World. In Dialogue with Klaus Töpfer Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam, former UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme as well as Minister for the Environment in Germany, t
Konzeption und Erstellung eines Prototyps für ein kartengestütztes Online-System zur Visualisierung von Daten aus der chemischen Wettervorhersage
Pathways towards Sustainable Soil and Land Governance: Discussing the Contribution of the Global Soil Week
Assessing Transformation Pathways [Contributing IASS Authors: P. Irvine, M. Lawrence, N. Moore, S. Schäfer, T. Wiertz]
Linking the Challenges of Climate Change and Air Pollution – Promising Legal and Policy Efforts with Effects on the Changing Nature of International Environmental Law
Insurance solutions in the Context of Climate-Change-Related Loss and Damage: Needs, Gaps, and Roles of the UNFCCC in Addressing Loss and Damage
Staatenverantwortlichkeit und Haftung für Ultra-Hazardous Activities: Diskussionsbericht zu den Referaten von Dederer, Faßbender und Matz-Lück
The role of knowledge, learning and mental models in public perceptions of climate change related risks
Legitimität und Legitimation von Partizipation: Zur Frage der Notwendigkeit einer Ausweitung der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung im Verwaltungsverfahren für das Gelingen der Energiewende
Geoengineering: Ein Problem für Frieden und Sicherheit? = Geoengineering: An Issue for Peace and Security?
Verändern durch Wissen : Chancen und Herausforderungen demokratischer Beteiligung: von "Stuttgart 21" bis zur Energiewende
Governing Planetary Boundaries: Limiting or Enabling Conditions for Transitions Towards Sustainability? It seems intuitive to identify boundaries of an earth system which is increasingly threatened by human activities. Being aware of and hence studying boundaries may be necessary for effective governance of sustainable development.